
How to root bluestacks 2 windows 10 without uninstalling
How to root bluestacks 2 windows 10 without uninstalling

how to root bluestacks 2 windows 10 without uninstalling

Your keyboard should auto-collapse and the terminal should return a "Success" message. Once you get the command right, press enter on your keyboard to send it. So if you want to delete the bloatware app's data, too, send the command in this format: pm uninstall -user 0 All that does is prevent the system from deleting any associated data from the app, in case you want to reinstall it later without having to set everything up again.

how to root bluestacks 2 windows 10 without uninstalling

For instance, to disable the T-Mobile app on a Galaxy device purchased from the magenta carrier, you would enter this: pm uninstall -k -user 0 .mytmobile Replace with the bloatware app's actual package name. Tap the Shell command field, then enter this command: pm uninstall -k -user 0 Now, you're ready to ditch some bloatware apps. He graciously posted his contact info here. If you're struggling with this part, the app's developer has been very active in helping troubleshoot issues with users. On Android 11 and higher, you'll need to be connected to Wi-Fi to enable this feature. Here, enable the switch next to "Wireless debugging," then press "OK" on the prompt to confirm your choice. Once inside, scroll down to the Debugging section.

how to root bluestacks 2 windows 10 without uninstalling

Open the Settings app, scroll down and select "System," then tap "Advanced" and choose "Developer Options." On some phones, the Developer Options entry may be listed at the very bottom of the main Settings screen instead. Now, you'll need to enable the underlying Android feature that makes this all work. More Info: How to Activate Android's Hidden Developer Options Menu.If you need more help with this part, see our full guide:

how to root bluestacks 2 windows 10 without uninstalling

So go to Settings –> About Phone, then tap the Build Number entry seven times quickly and enter your lock screen PIN when prompted. Instead, you'll have to activate a hidden menu for advanced users called Developer Options. This method relies on a feature that can't be enabled in Android's main settings menu by default.

How to root bluestacks 2 windows 10 without uninstalling